Fishermen Feeding Mainers
Meals for hungry Mainers and a lifeline for
Maine's fishermen
The video above was filmed in 2020. Although we've now surpassed 1 million meals, 10 times our original goal of donating 100,000 meals, our fishermen's passion for feeding our community remains strong.
The groundfish fleet in Maine (those who fish for species like cod, haddock, and flounder) has seen declining value for the past five years. When COVID-19 struck and restaurants closed, those struggles were amplified in an astounding way. The value of landed groundfish in Maine collapsed, down an astonishing 73% compared to the five-year average. Most shockingly, a large driver for the decline is the high percentage of fish not even being sold. This means that fishermen brought in fish that didn't sell, even at low prices, causing a loss on their trips. As a result, many fishermen had to stay tied to the dock, despite needing to make money to support their families.
Simultaneously, we saw a significant rise in food insecurity in Maine, with close to 15% of our population needing better access to food.
In response, MCFA launched the Fishermen Feeding Mainers Program to provide direct financial relief to fishermen by helping them supply food banks and families in need with healthy Maine seafood meals. Read the great article BDN wrote back in 2020!
Between October 2020 and July 2024, MCFA purchased over 1,000,000 pounds of fish for the program and paid local processors to cut and freeze the fish, infusing more than $2.4 million back into the Maine economy. Over 1.3 million seafood meals have been donated across a network of more than 350 food banks and over 60 school districts.
Uncertain seafood markets, food insecurity, and lack of access to local seafood are endemic challenges. MCFA is now working to transition Fishermen Feeding Mainers from a pandemic response to a sustainable program to support fishermen, the working waterfront, the blue economy, and supply fresh, healthy seafood to those in need.