By United Way of Mid Coast Maine staff
As the prices for heat, food, gasoline, and other costs of living continue to rise, Midcoast CA$H helps put
money back into people’s pockets with free tax prep aimed at helping filers get back the largest tax refund available to them.

Households that made $60,000 or less in 2022, whether in wages, self-employment income, or retirement income, can likely receive free tax prep by IRS-certified volunteer tax preparers through Midcoast CA$H.
Midcoast CA$H is a United Way of Mid Coast Maine program, an IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, and a member of CA$H Maine, a statewide group that provides free tax prep and education to help Mainers make the most of their money.
The best way for families and individuals to make sure they receive the largest tax refund possible is to schedule an appointment with Midcoast CA$H. IRS-certified volunteer tax preparers make sure clients apply for every state and federal tax credit that they qualify for. Many of these tax credits will either lower the amount of money a person or household owes or increase the amount of money people get back.
Filers can put more money back in their pocket with the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child
Tax Credit (CTC). Individuals without children who make at least $16,480 per year, and meet other
guidelines, can apply for the EITC. The amount of money families get back increases if they claim
children. Most households with children can also apply for the Child Tax Credit and get up to $2,000 per
This year, the state of Maine has made changes to some state tax credits that are also helping Mainers to
grow their refunds. The Maine Property Tax Fairness Credit now provides a refund of up to $1,000, and
$1,500 to filers age 65 and older. Residents that qualify for the Maine Earned Income Credit will get back an additional 25% of their federal EITC, as opposed to 20% last year. All Maine residents, employed or not, must file their state taxes to receive their $450 relief checks.

Appointments are available now and will be held through April 13 at Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission in Wiscasset and the United Way office in Bath. Volunteer schedulers will let clients know
what to bring to their appointments, such as forms of identification, and income and rental/mortgage
Midcoast CA$H also has information about local programs that can help people save money, lower debt,
and meet their financial goals. Tax appointments also include time with a volunteer information guide who is well-informed on local options for clients looking to grow their income and savings. We’ll be sharing more about this service in next month’s post.
For individuals and families that live in another part of the state, there are many other free tax prep sites
open for appointments in partnership with CA$H Maine.
To schedule an appointment with Midcoast CA$H, call 207-295-6340, email, or visit
For more information about Midcoast CA$H, visit